Explore current legislation including the Canada Labour Code, OSH Regulations, applicable fire codes, and best methods to implement the procedures.

Participants will learn the requirements of current legislation including the Canada Labour Code, Occupational Safety and Health Regulations, and applicable fire codes, as well as the best methods to implement the procedures.

The course addresses the following topics:

• The history of facility emergency planning
• Employer legal obligations and Due Diligence, Codes and Regulations
• Occupant versus owner responsibilities
• The facility emergency organization
• Responsibilities of emergency team members
• Program objectives
• Organizing for emergency evacuation
• Fire Safety Plans, Evacuation Plans, Shelter in Place Plans, Active shooter plans
• Managing bomb threats or suspicious packages
• Response to an active shooter or aggressor
• Fire extinguisher training
• Inspection requirements with a 20 minute demonstration inspection


Designed for Chief Emergency Wardens, Floor Wardens, Restricted Mobility Buddies, Building Managers, Property Managers.


1 day


$525 +HST. Includes student reference text.